Demystifying Azure Virtual Networks

Learning the fundamentals of Azure Virtual Networking

Azure Virtual Networks (VNet) are one of the core components of Azure cloud platform, enabling you to create isolated and secure networks for your cloud resources. In this blog post, we will demystify the fundamentals of Azure Virtual Networks, including setup, configuration, and best practices for optimal performance and security.

What is an Azure Virtual Network?

An Azure Virtual Network is a logical representation of a network in the cloud. It allows you to define your own private IP address space, subnets, route tables, network security groups, virtual network peering, service endpoints, private endpoints, and more. You can use Azure Virtual Networks to connect your Azure resources, such as virtual machines, web apps, databases and other services with virtual network integrations as well as to connect to your on-premises network or the internet.

Why use an Azure Virtual Network?

Using an Azure Virtual Network has many benefits, such as

  • Isolation: You can isolate your cloud resources from other tenants and the public internet, ensuring that only authorized traffic can access them.
  • Security: You can apply granular network security policies to your subnets and resources using network security groups and service endpoints. You can also use private endpoints to access Azure services over a private link, without exposing them to the internet.
  • Performance: You can optimize the performance of your network traffic by using route tables and virtual network peering. You can also use accelerated networking to improve the throughput and latency of your virtual machines.
  • Flexibility: You can customize your network topology and configuration to suit your needs. You can also integrate your Azure Virtual Network with other Azure services, such as load balancers, VPN gateways, application gateways, firewalls, etc.

How to create an Azure Virtual Network?

Creating an Azure Virtual Network is easy and can be done using the Azure portal, PowerShell, CLI, or ARM templates. Here are the basic steps to create an Azure Virtual Network:

  • Choose a name and a region for your virtual network.
  • Specify the address space for your virtual network. This is the range of IP addresses that you can use for your subnets and resources. You can use either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, or both. The address space must not overlap with any other virtual network or on-premises network that you want to connect to.
  • Create one or more subnets within your virtual network. A subnet is a segment of your virtual network that contains a subset of IP addresses. You can assign different subnets to different resources based on their functionality or security requirements.
  • Optionally, you can configure other settings for your virtual network, such as DNS servers, route tables, network security groups, service endpoints, private endpoints, etc.

What are some best practices for Azure Virtual Networks?

To get the most out of your Azure Virtual Networks, here are some best practices that you should follow:

  • Plan your address space carefully. Choose a large enough address space that can accommodate your current and future needs. Avoid overlapping address spaces with other networks that you want to connect to.
  • Use multiple subnets for different purposes. For example, you can use separate subnets for web servers, database servers, management servers, etc. This will help you organize your resources and apply appropriate network security policies.
  • Use network security groups to control the inbound and outbound traffic to your subnets and resources. Network security groups are like firewalls that allow or deny traffic based on rules that you define. You can use tags to group your resources and apply network security groups at the subnet level or the resource level.
  • Use service endpoints to secure your access to Azure services. Service endpoints are like gateways that enable you to access Azure services over a direct connection from your virtual network. This will improve the security and performance of your communication with Azure services.
  • Use private endpoints to access Azure services over a private link. Private endpoints are like aliases that map a private IP address from your virtual network to an Azure service. This will allow you to access Azure services without exposing them to the internet or using public IP addresses.
  • Use virtual network peering to connect multiple virtual networks within the same region or across regions. Virtual network peering is like a bridge that enables you to route traffic between virtual networks using the Microsoft backbone network. This will improve the performance and reliability of your cross-network communication.
  • Use VPN gateways or ExpressRoute circuits to connect your Azure Virtual Network to your on-premises network or other clouds. VPN gateways are like tunnels that encrypt and secure your traffic between networks over the internet. ExpressRoute circuits are like dedicated lines that provide fast and reliable connectivity between networks over a private connection.


Azure Virtual Networks are powerful and flexible tools that enable you to create secure and optimized networks for your cloud resources. By following the fundamentals and best practices discussed in this blog post, you can leverage Azure Virtual Networks to achieve better isolation, security, performance, and flexibility for your cloud applications.