Mastering Your M365 Tenant with Microsoft 365 DSC

How to use M356 Desired State Configuration with Azure DevOps to automate your M365 configuration and to maintain it using code


Microsoft 365 Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a powerful tool that allows administrators to manage and configure their Microsoft 365 (M365) environments using code. This approach, often referred to as “Infrastructure as Code” (IaC), helps eliminate the inefficiencies and potential errors associated with manual configurations, or “clickops.” By using DSC, you can ensure that your M365 tenant remains consistent, compliant, and easily reproducible.

Step-by-Step Implementation Guide

  1. Install Microsoft 365 DSC

    • Begin by installing the Microsoft 365 DSC module using PowerShell:

      Install-Module -Name Microsoft365DSC -Force -AllowClobber
  2. Extract Configuration

    • Extract the current configuration of your M365 tenant to create a baseline:

      Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Quiet
    • This command generates a configuration file that represents the current state of your M365 environment.

  3. Modify Configuration

    • Edit the extracted configuration file to define the desired state of your M365 tenant. You can add, remove, or modify settings as needed.
  4. Change Review

    • Review the changes made to the configuration file to ensure they align with your desired state. This step is crucial for maintaining consistency and compliance.
  5. Apply Updated Configuration

    • Apply the desired configuration to your M365 tenant:

      Start-DSCConfiguration -Path '<PathToConfigurationFile>' -Wait -Verbose
    • This command ensures that your M365 environment matches the desired state defined in the configuration file.

  6. Using Azure DevOps for Automation

    • Set Up Azure DevOps Pipeline: Create a pipeline in Azure DevOps to automate the extraction and change detection process.
    • Schedule Extraction: Use the pipeline to run the Export-M365DSCConfiguration command on a schedule, ensuring your configuration is always up-to-date.
    • Change Detection: Implement a step in the pipeline to compare the extracted configuration with the desired state and notify you of any discrepancies.


Microsoft 365 DSC provides a robust and efficient way to manage your M365 tenant through code, reducing the risks associated with manual configurations. By adopting DSC and integrating it with Azure DevOps, you can achieve greater consistency, compliance, and ease of management in your M365 environment.

Learn More

For more detailed information, refer to the following Microsoft Learn articles: