Entra ID: Enhancing Identity and Access Management

Entra ID is a cloud-based identity and access management service. It centralises identity management, treats identity as the primary security perimeter, and enforces multi-factor verification for users


Entra ID is a cloud-based identity and access management service. It centralises identity management, treats identity as the primary security perimeter, and enforces multi-factor verification for users. This blog post will delve into the implementation of Entra ID and how it enhances identity and access management.


Implementing Entra ID involves several steps:

  1. Set up an Entra ID account: If you don’t already have one, create an Entra ID account. This will give you access to the Entra ID portal where you can manage your services.

  2. Create an Entra ID directory: Navigate to the Entra ID portal, select ‘Create a resource’, and then choose ‘Entra ID Directory’. Fill in the necessary information and click ‘Create’.

  3. Add users to the directory: Once the directory is created, you can add users. Navigate to ‘Entra ID Directory’, then ‘Users’, and select ‘New user’. Fill in the user’s details and click ‘Create’.

  4. Assign roles to users: Entra ID allows you to assign roles to users, granting them specific permissions. Navigate to ‘Entra ID Directory’, then ‘Users’. Select a user, then ‘Assigned roles’, and click ‘Add assignments’. Choose the roles you want to assign and click ‘Add’.

  5. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Navigate to ‘Entra ID Directory’, then ‘Security’, and select ‘MFA’. Here, you can enable MFA for your users, enhancing the security of your directory.


Entra ID is a powerful tool for managing identity and access within an organisation. By centralizing identity management, treating identity as the primary security perimeter, and enforcing multi-factor verification, Entra ID provides a robust and secure solution for identity and access management. The implementation of Entra ID not only enhances security but also simplifies the management of users and their access rights.

Learn More

For more detailed information about Entra ID, you can visit the following Microsoft Learn articles:

Remember, Entra ID is a continuously evolving platform, so it’s important to stay updated with the latest features and enhancements.