Azure Bastion Developer SKU

Azure Bastion using the Developer SKU. After Bastion is deployed, you can connect to virtual machines (VM) in the virtual network via Bastion using the private IP address of the VM. The VMs you connect to don't need a public IP address, client software, agent, or a special configuration


Azure Bastion Developer SKU is a free, lightweight SKU ideal for Dev/Test users who want to securely connect to their VMs. This SKU allows users to connect to one Azure VM at a time directly through the virtual machine connect page. The VMs you connect to don’t need a public IP address, client software, agent, or a special configuration.

The Developer SKU is currently available in several regions including Central US, EUAP East US 2, EUAP West Central US, North Central US, West US, and North Europe. It’s important to note that VNet peering isn’t currently supported for the Developer SKU.


To deploy Azure Bastion using the Developer SKU, you need to have an Azure subscription and a VM in a VNet. The values are pulled from the virtual network in which your VM resides. Make sure the VM resides in a resource group that’s in a region where the Developer SKU is supported.

Here is a PowerShell example of how to create a new Azure Bastion resource in the AzureBastionSubnet:

# Create a new Azure Bastion resource in the AzureBastionSubnet
New-AzBastion -ResourceGroupName "MyResourceGroup" -Name "MyBastion" -PublicIpAddress "MyPublicIpAddress" -VirtualNetwork "MyVirtualNetwork" -Sku "Developer"

This example uses the Basic SKU, but you can also deploy Bastion using a different SKU by changing the -Sku value.


The Azure Bastion Developer SKU represents a novel, cost-effective, and streamlined version of the Bastion service². It caters to Dev/Test users seeking secure VM connections without the need for additional features or scalability². This SKU is a great resource for developers and testers who want to securely connect to their VMs in a cost-effective manner.

Learn More

For more information about Azure Bastion and the Developer SKU, you can refer to the following resources on Microsoft Learn:

These resources provide a wealth of information about Azure Bastion and its various SKUs, including the Developer SKU. They can help you understand the service better and guide you on how to effectively use it in your projects.