Azure VPN Gateway is a service that enables you to establish secure, cross-premises connectivity between your on-premises network and your Azure virtual network. By leveraging Azure VPN Gateway, you can create a reliable and secure connection to your resources in Azure. In this blog post, we will explore how to configure a Site-to-Site VPN connection using Bicep and Azure DevOps, providing a streamlined and automated approach to managing your infrastructure.
Step-by-Step Implementation Guide
Step 1: Set Up Your Azure Environment
Create a Resource Group:
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resource rg 'Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups@2021-04-01' = { name: 'myResourceGroup' location: 'australiaeast' }
Create a Virtual Network and Subnet:
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resource vnet 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2021-02-01' = { name: 'myVNet' location: rg.location properties: { addressSpace: { addressPrefixes: [''] } subnets: [ { name: 'GatewaySubnet' properties: { addressPrefix: '' } } ] } }
Step 2: Configure the VPN Gateway
Create the Public IP Address:
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resource publicIP 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2021-02-01' = { name: 'myPublicIP' location: rg.location properties: { publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic' } }
Create the VPN Gateway:
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resource vpnGateway 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways@2021-02-01' = { name: 'myVpnGateway' location: rg.location properties: { ipConfigurations: [ { name: 'vnetGatewayConfig' properties: { publicIPAddress: { id: } subnet: { id:[0].id } } } ] gatewayType: 'Vpn' vpnType: 'RouteBased' enableBgp: false sku: { name: 'VpnGw1' } } }
Step 3: Configure the Local Network Gateway
Create the Local Network Gateway:
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resource localNetworkGateway 'Microsoft.Network/localNetworkGateways@2021-02-01' = { name: 'myLocalNetworkGateway' location: rg.location properties: { gatewayIpAddress: 'YOUR_ON_PREMISES_PUBLIC_IP' localNetworkAddressSpace: { addressPrefixes: [''] } } }
Step 4: Create the VPN Connection
Create the Connection:
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resource vpnConnection 'Microsoft.Network/connections@2021-02-01' = { name: 'myVpnConnection' location: rg.location properties: { virtualNetworkGateway1: { id: } localNetworkGateway2: { id: } connectionType: 'IPsec' sharedKey: 'YOUR_SHARED_KEY' } }
Step 5: Automate Deployment with Azure DevOps
Create a New Pipeline:
- Navigate to your Azure DevOps project.
- Click on “Pipelines” and then “Create Pipeline”.
- Select your repository and choose “YAML” for the pipeline configuration.
Define the Pipeline YAML:
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trigger: - main pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: - task: AzureCLI@2 inputs: azureSubscription: 'YOUR_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION' scriptType: 'bash' scriptLocation: 'inlineScript' inlineScript: | az deployment group create --resource-group myResourceGroup --template-file main.bicep
By following this guide, you can configure a Site-to-Site VPN connection using Bicep and Azure DevOps, ensuring a secure and automated deployment process. This approach not only simplifies the management of your infrastructure but also enhances the reliability and security of your connections.